The Apart Lab Fellowship

For the researchers who take AI safety seriously and wish to publish their ideas in collaboration with mentors and great teams

What is the Apart Lab Fellowship?

Be a part of engaged teams to create impactful research and gain connections within AI safety.

The Apart Lab Fellowship is an invitation to technical and governance researchers who take AI safety seriously and wish to collaborate on publishing their ideas.

The Apart Lab cohorts happen on a rolling basis and unlike many other fellowships, you apply with a specific project that we co-develop towards enabling your research career and push for real impact in the world.

Our goal is to enable researchers to become self-driven and get experience within the real academic research pipeline.

Who are the research mentors?

The Apart Lab Fellowship lives by its commitment to highly collaborative mentorship. We enable co-authorship with top researchers while our mentorship is deeply engaged while letting you take control of the process. Our mentors have great experience with academic publishing and AI safety.

Fazl Kiko Barez

Research director

Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier

Research lead

Esben Kran

Admin and technical


The Apart Lab Fellowship follows academic conference deadlines and adjusts the timelines and workloads accordingly. It is designed to fit with your existing responsibilities and you should expect 5-20 hours per week with more hours up towards the deadline.

2 days

Alignment Jam hackathon participation

The first stage to joining the Apart Lab Fellowship is to submit an entry to one of the Alignment Jam research hackathons. Here, you get a chance to develop original ideas within the topic's scope.

2 weeks

Project selection and application

Projects are selected through an application form that is based off of the accepted submission to the Alignment Jam hackathons and ask you to think deeply about your project.

1 month

Active research time

In collaboration with our research mentors, you iterate on your research project, conduct experiments, and kickstart on writing the report.

2-3 months

Submission to a conference

The paper writing might take 2-3 months and up towards the deadline, the workload increases to ensure the project reaches the conference deadline.

4 months

Reviewer rebuttals and camera-ready versions

During the review process, anonymous reviewers will provide comments and ratings, and your job as researchers will be to respond and update the paper to match their critiques. The camera-ready version of your paper will be the one written for the conference publication (e.g. Hoelscher-Obermaier et al., 2023) if the paper gets accepted.

4+ months

Follow-up work and conference participation

There are many pieces of work that come out of a research paper. Examples include a talk, a poster, conference participation, blog posts, Twitter threads and further research. Your researcher journey does not end at the acceptance mark and you should expect a couple hours of engagement here and there to let your work flourish.

Join the fellowship

And we can make artificial intelligence safer together!